When is Xinyan's birthday on Genshin Impact?

When is Xinyan's birthday on Genshin Impact?

In Genshin Impact, all playable characters have a birthday that provides special rewards for travelers throughout the year. Xinyan, everyone's favorite rock star from Liyue, turns her birthday on October 16th.

The birthday mail contains a letter written by Xinyan, as well as some special rewards delivered by her. You will receive 10 Chihua Woods and 1 Rockin 'Riffin' Chicken! simply by opening the game and checking your mail. The Rockin 'Riffin' Chicken! increases the critical rate of all party members by 16% for 300 seconds.

Xinyan birthday letter

Every year, I always write a new song a week before my birthday to record my growth. This year's song is ready and I'm quite happy with it. I hope you will be happy too. I trust your taste in music, so share your thoughts with me!

In fact, I recently carved a miniature Guqin from Cuihua Wood. I originally wanted to make it an ornament, but the wood finish is so smooth and the sound it makes is not bad. It seems he really underestimated the malleability of the Cuihua Wood! Good things are often enhanced when shared with good friends! Oh right, I got you some wood materials. In addition to making splitting tools, it can also be used to make ornaments and furniture… If you don't know how to work wood, that's fine. You can tell me your ideas and we can work on it together!

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